For the Gal Feeling Left Out
Here are a few encouragements from me to you if you find yourself feeling lost or lonely. I know none of these will fix everything - but I pray they meet you where you’re at.
I Pray This Prayer Every Day
In 2023, I recommitted to reading + meditating on a daily prayer, and it’s been a game changer for starting my day. It feels like I’m connecting with God and remembering His promises, while also connecting with my soul and the desires I have for my life.
I’d love to share my current written prayer below in the hopes that it inspires and encourages you.
5 Things I Learned in My Recent Struggle With Anxiety
I’ve shared a few times here about my recent struggle with anxiety.
Now that it’s 2023, I’m consistently sleeping again, and I haven’t had a panic attack for a few months (there have been a few here + there, but I’ve felt equipped to fight them), I thought it might be time for a follow-up on what helped.
“No” is Not Always the Answer
Last week I shared five good reasons we should say no instead of saying yes.
Let’s counterweigh all that “no” advice with a few good reasons you should or could say “yes”
Five Reasons Why You Should Say “No”
We’re a generation exhausted, overwhelmed, and way past extended. Yet, we have more opportunities offered to us every single day than past generations could even imagine - so we have to learn to say no.
If you’re weighing out whether or not something needs to be a “no,” here are five GREAT reasons you should say no. Check for these in your soul + life: