It’s Gonna be May (That I Finally Become a Little More Gentle With Myself)
Goal Setting Notebook = Powersheets by Cultivate What Matters
Hopefully, the singing that gets stuck in your head from the Justin Timberlake May Meme is over now. But before we get too far ahead into this month, it's time for a goals recap!
First - I have to say: I love the sisterhood that's formed around these goal update emails! I love hearing back from y'all - both on Instagram + and when you reply to this email. We're going to make it through 2022 with some intention and worship together, amen? Here's my March update, February update, and January update for posterity!
Let's dive in; here were my April monthly goals:
Run 40 miles: Done! After March's 12 miles, this felt worshipful.
Life-giving + restful Spring Break: done! We hiked, we rested, and we played pickleball.
Read two fiction books: Nope, nope. I didn't even read one.
One-page plan for Nick: If you've been following along, one of my big goals for the year is to be a good support person for Nick as he presses into some God-dreams. This month I wanted to write out a 1-page plan to help him have some vision for how he could use social media well. I wrote it on my phone one night when I couldn't sleep , but I still need to type it up for him!
Pray before saying yes: I broke this goal into four columns, intending to check in each week and make sure I was praying before saying yes to all invitations + opportunities. I felt good about marking two weeks off, but it's a rhythm that's here to stay.
No phone in the car: You guys, this was another no-go. I still used my phone in the car, and I want to shift that. Even when someone else is driving, I want to use the time to transition and think and be with whoever I'm with - even if I'm alone!
Finalize Bright City Job description: We're prayerfully at the beginning of hiring a full-time staff member for our church, and we made some headway on this goal this past month. However, it's a slow process that needs to involve many people and prayer!
My Weekly Goals went a lot better, and I was able to check all five of these off every week:
Update Prayer List - 4/4 weeks
Execute Weekly Checklist - 4/4 weeks
Email Family Weekly Plan - 4/4 weeks
Lift Weights - 4/4 weeks
Personally Encourage one person - 4/4 weeks
After a few months of not hitting all my goals, I'm planning to be a bit more gentle for May. As a preview, here's what I'm working towards:
Walkthrough our Summer to Thrive Guide (coming soon to Go + Tell Gals!)
Run 50 miles (just a few days into this month, I have a feeling I'm going to shift this goal down - my legs need a break)
Have a clean-out day at our house!
Write a handstand plan (if you didn't know, I'm obsessed with headstands, but I'm ready to shift into some handstands for fun)
Launch the Breaking Free printed Bible Study with joy! (coming May 10th)
Your TURN: Head to this post and tell me how April was and what's in your sight for May.
It's a joy to be on your team - cheering you on, in Jesus' name.