It’s Time to Dream Again

I've had Psalm 126 on my mind lately. "When the Lord brought back the captive ones from Zion - they were like those who dreamed." We're just over a year out from the start of the pandemic, the world is still turning, new life is blooming, and ready or not - it's nearly time for many of us to reemerge, reengage, to rebuild. And I don't know about you, but after the fight, the push, the pull of the past year - dreaming doesn't necessarily feel like the first thing I feel called to.

And yet, this beautiful verse is tucked in Psalm 126, in the middle of the Psalm of Ascents, a harkening to the Israelites returning after the Babylonian empire. When it was time for God's people to return from a harrowing season - it wasn't defeat, fear, fatigue, or distress that defined them: it was their capacity to dream.

And I think the same is true for us. By the grace of God, partnering with the Holy Spirit, I think many of us can experience abundance not by asking what we SHOULD do - but what could we do? What if we dreamed with God and asked Him to help us see each day, each season, including this next one, from His perspective? 

When was the last time you dreamed?

When was the last time you pushed past your own thoughts about what has to happen, what must get done, and asked God what He was up to? When was the last time you accessed some God-given desire about your own goals? When was the last time you spoke against the voice of discouragement that never seems to settle on its own and let faith get loud in your life?

What would you do if you were given permission to dream? What would you ask God for? What would you shift about your life? 

I know, I know... I'm asking a lot of deep questions - but I've got one more: 

No filter: What if the well-being of others, the rebuilding of the community around you, was actually dependent on you taking a moment to dream about what could be? What if God wanted to use your dreams for the good of others and His glory? 

Per usual, I have a lot of honest questions and no answers. But I will tell you this: I want to dream again. And I believe God wants both of us to dream again. 

If this sounds overwhelming to do on your own and you've been praying for a team, a coach, a guide... this is your sign! 

Go Teams, our coaching + community program at Go and Tell Gals is currently open and spots are filling quickly. Take a step and let's see what God is up to together, amen? 


Is God Good?


Don’t Drink the Gold Water