Do You Want a Tidy Life or a Fruitful One?

It’s been a while since I’ve sent a No Filter Newsletter, and I’m not embarrassed to tell you: it’s because it’s been a mess here lately. I’m behind on laundry and emails, and my February goals are a little neglected. Ever had one of those seasons? 

Do you feel like your life is a mess? One of my favorite verses is about oxen, and paraphrased; it essentially says: your stable is clean when there’s not a lot going on, but to see a strong harvest - you’re going to have a messy space. (Where no oxen are, the trough is clean; but increase comes by the strength of an ox. Proverbs 14:4) 

There’s a messy feeling that comes from our rhythms and healthy boundaries being off, and then there’s the mess of harvest. And I don’t mind telling you that things are a mess here lately because I’m preparing for harvest. 

I’m working my fingers off typing and prepping and holding meetings to get ready for the launch of Breaking Free from Body Shame. At Go and Tell Gals, we’re getting ready to open Go Teams (see the bottom of this email for more info!). My tweens and teens are growing, learning, getting jobs, needing counsel and insight at home. And at church, we’re stepping back into rhythms of gathering and growing after making it through the pandemic as a community. 

And so, amid the mess, I’m not worried if it’s tidy in here. I’m not concerned if life looks shiny and perfect. But I am asking: Is my heart soft? Am I learning? Do I believe harvest is on the way? Do I want a tidy life or a fruitful one? 

Sometimes the stable is messy because the harvest is coming. And so, I give you the gift of Proverbs 14:4 and the reminder that God has placed you where you’re at on purpose. And I give you the gift of this no filter question: 

Do you want a tidy life or a fruitful one? For a life of abundant mission, you should expect a bit of a mess. And it’s good, it’s for His glory, and His power is made perfect in our weakness.

Until next week, my unfiltered friends!


You Are Stronger Than You Think


Teach Me the Pace of the Kingdom