You Are Stronger Than You Think

Where were you last March 8th?

March 8th last year was a Sunday, and I was on my way home from a speaking trip. I don't usually travel on Sunday because of church, but my flight was early enough that I was able to sneak in the back door just as the service was starting. 

I remember aggressively washing my hands and changing my clothes after the flight because news of this virus hitting the states was picking up. I didn't know it would be the last time I'd travel to teach the Bible for a long time. I didn't realize it was the last time we'd gather for worship corporately for months. I didn't know what we were all in for, and I'm betting you didn't know either.

And now, here we sit, a year later... and I don't mind telling you: I think we all learned just how fragile we were, but I think we also learned that we're stronger than we knew. God can hold us, carry us, guide us through things we can't even imagine.

Real talk, no filter: you're stronger than you think.

And if by grace, through faith, you believe in Jesus - He is mightier in you than you know.

So here's a wild question for you, after the most tumultuous year that most of us will live through: 

If you're stronger than you think, if God is mightier in you than you knew before, is there some way you want to live through this coming year differently?

Do you want to love with more abandon? Use your gift with more passion? Try the thing you've been scared to do?

Simply put, I'm saying this: after the year we've lived, how do you want to live the next year differently?

My answer is this: I want to be less scared and more urgent in the ways I serve. Fear did not help me get through 2020 at all. I didn't know to be scared of a global pandemic, and fear wouldn't have helped me process it. Worship helped. Talking to God helped. Crying helped! But now I'm left with the realization that He's better than I knew, and time is more fleeting than I imagined.

It's March 8th. You're stronger than you know. How do you want to recount what you did, what God did, and how life changed, a year later?

p.s. What I also didn't see coming in 2020? Writing Breaking Free from Body ShameDownload the first chapter here.


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