Is it Knowing or Feeling That Matters?

A few years ago, I posted a graphic on Instagram that said, “Feelings are liars.”

I was making a point about how I often have to speak truth to my feelings - referencing 2 Corinthians 10 and our need to take every thought captive. I didn’t think that was a hot-take or a controversial topic, but a debate ensued in my comment section. 

I realized then that many people like to make blanket statements about feelings - some people are in the “FEELINGS DON’T MATTER, TRUTH DOES” camp… and honestly, that’s not my team. I know that feelings DO matter. How I feel matters to God - because I’m His daughter, and He’s compassionate and kind. I know feelings are often a significant indicator that something is wrong: either structurally in my life or spiritually in my soul. I know that feelings, when stuffed or ignored, often lead to danger in my life. So what I’m saying is: I’m a fan of feelings and paying attention to them. 

But, there’s this other side of the coin, where I find the temptation in my own life to treat feelings as facts. Let me give you some examples: 

  • I walk into the room, and I feel like everyone hates me because the enemy has been assaulting me with lies of inadequacy all day.

  • I make a pretty inconsequential mistake, but I feel like a loser instead of just realizing that errors are human.

And most importantly, why I’m writing this email: 

  • I know that I’m free because Jesus did the work to make me so, but I don’t feel free - so I act like I’m still in bondage rather than living free.

I’m talking about freedom a lot lately, I can’t get enough. But here’s the deal - I think we often first have to know how and why we’re free, and THEN the feelings come. But it takes patience, faith, and perseverance to press in past the not-so-free feelings. 

Like Romans 12:2 tells us - the renewing of our mind will transform us. 

So what do we do with our feelings in the meantime? I’m so glad you asked: we give them to God and talk to Him about them. He doesn’t want us to stuff them or hide them; He’s eager and ready to encourage our hearts. 

If you are in Christ, you have been set free.

If you don't feel free - that's ok.

You’re in the right spot, and no matter what: freedom is for you.

p.s. This is why I wrote Breaking Free from Body Shame! I want you to hear, learn, and digest the truth about your body so it changes how you feel about it. When you know why and how your body was made good, how you feel gets transformed. 


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