My 8 Goals for the Year
A few years back, I used to share my personal goals freely + with enthusiasm on the internet. Blog posts, Facebook, you name it - I shared it!
Somewhere along the way, sharing my personal goals started to feel really vulnerable, so I stopped. I started keeping that part of my life for just me.
But it's hard to have a 'NO FILTER NEWSLETTER' with a ginormous filter on it. And if it encourages, spurs on, or frees up even one person - it's worth it to me. So, here goes: I'm excited to share my 2022 goals.
(Before you ask, here's a podcast episode on how I set goals + some of the tools I use. I specifically love Powersheets by Cultivate What Matters!)
1. Make space to let God be God.
I want to pray big prayers, pay attention to how He's moving, seek to see Him clearly, and act like He's as good as He is.
2. Be a good support person for my husband, Nick.
I want to speak life over him, give strategic help for his dreams when/where I can, and help create a soft place to land at home for him.
3. Be a life-giving thermostat in our home.
I want to set a worshipful tone of faith + friendship for our kiddos!
4. Live well + simply in my body.
Because God has made my body good, I want to treat it as such.
5. Have a laser focus on finances + work.
I want to understand what works, what doesn't, and what serves my people well. I want to understand where each dollar goes and feel good about it.
6. Create margin in all areas of life.
Time to clean out some closets + quit multi-tasking. I'm ready for margin and willing to make it happen.
7. Be a good support person to others where I can.
The same as with Nick, I'm feeling the pull to grow in my support-giving of others. My friends, extended family, other ministers of the gospel.
8. Like Life Everyday.
I posted about this goal on Instagram yesterday! It's time to document delight.
These, my friends, are my 8 goals for the year. I'll spend a little time at the beginning of each month + week picking out a few tasks and objectives that will help me move toward these goals in grace.
And since the cat's out of the bag - maybe I'll give a quarterly update here with our No Filter Friends?!
What about you? What is God calling you to in 2022? Do you have a word? A goal? A passage or verse that's guiding you?
I'd seriously, genuinely, love to hear! So comment on this post + share with me, or just reply to this email!