My Favorite Podcast Episode We’ve Ever Recorded

If we've been No Filter Friends for any amount of time, or if you follow me online, you might know: I love goal setting.

I'm not one of those "CRUSH YOUR GOALS - PUNCH FEAR IN THE FACE" kinda gals.

But I love starting a year with intention. And I love setting goals + intentions with my people. So last year, my husband, Nick, and I did something we'd never tried before. We took our kids on a goal-setting, vision-casting trip at the beginning of the year, and it was genuinely so fun and life-giving.

And a lot of my friends online asked, "How do you make a trip like that? How do you talk about goals with your kids? How do you know where to start when it comes to goal setting?" 

So at Go and Tell Gals, we made an entire podcast series about ending the year well + starting the next year strong. On top of that, I pulled in my very favorite person in the world - my husband, Nick, and we recorded an episode all about setting goals together

This episode could be for friends, families, or work/ministry teams.

The thing is - I genuinely think it's one of the most helpful podcast episodes we've ever recorded! 

On top of that, we made a free PDF to help guide you in your own goal-setting + year-inventory. You can grab it here!

Whether you love goal setting or if it makes you feel nauseous and defeated, this series is for you. The last episode comes out tomorrow, and I pray it's a blessing for you! 

PS: Did you hear Breaking Free from Body Shame is now in Target? Here's why this is a big deal + how you can see if it's in YOUR Target store


My 8 Goals for the Year


Thanksgiving Is the Perfect Storm for Body Shame