Thanksgiving Is the Perfect Storm for Body Shame

Thanksgiving is a minefield for the 97% of us who struggle with body image issues.

You’ve got the random family member who comments negatively or positively on women’s bodies with too much familiarity. There’s the mental battle of how you feel when you partake in feasting. And that’s not to even mention the media and messaging that will tell you it’s time to start dieting the second the holiday ends. 

Here are a few tools I’d like to hand you as you move into this week:

  • Remember that no matter your circumstances, no matter what you feel, no matter what others say: YOU ARE FREE. John 8:36 reminds us that if the Son has set you free, you are free indeed.

  •  If you can, arm yourself with truth about your body before you encounter any shame triggers. Get in God’s Word, spend time in prayer, reread Breaking Free from Body Shame or download the audio book on the way to see family! 

  • Have a few responses ready when others speak shame over themselves or over you. Here are a few of my favorites!

  • Let the enemy be the enemy. It’s not the unkind people that are our enemy and it’s not our bodies that are the enemy. Satan is the enemy and we fight him spiritually. See 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. 

  • Ask God for vision to help you see yourself as an agent of change in your current community. How could you be the one who helps bring the light in this area?  

  • Lastly, prepare to detox - just not from food. 

This is not going to take you out. It’s time to break free.


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